Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year, Same Us

With a new semester, and a new year, we look towards the future. The next few months will be full of change, with national politics, classes, and the opportunity to grow on a personal level. I know that these new changes are exciting, but I want to take a moment to look at the past. Not in a dramatic way, I promise. Just take a moment to think about your initiation. It happened at different times for all of us. For some, it was years ago, or just a few months, with forty others or a handful of new sisters. No matter how or when it happened, it was special time for all of us.

Specifically, I want to remember the vows we made at the time of our initiation. To protect the secrecy of it all, I’m not going to go into detail of the ideals we promised to uphold, I’ll trust we all remember them. In summation however, we committed to bettering not only ourselves but our fellow sisters as well. If you ask me, that’s a big responsibility. Some days it’s hard to take care of myself much less worry about how others are doing. However, time and time again I see members of our chapter reach out to others even when struggling themselves. The selflessness that our members exhibit reminds me every day of why I joined Alpha Xi Delta. 

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